Too busy to Pray?
“When I have a lot to do in a day, I spend more time in prayer, because more work is done by prayer than by work itself.” - Martin Luther
He was right. If we are too busy to pray, we are too busy.We can never be too busy to pray because prayer makes our lives much more focused, efficient, and peaceful.
Yet many had not got this principle genuinely,We spend just a few minutes with God, and then we try to do many hours of work in His name.
We often sing, “This is the day that the Lord has made.” God is asking us, “If this is My day, then why don’t you come and talk to Me about it?”
We put off praying because we think it is a waste of time or at least less important than other activities.
Jesus taught one of the best examples on how we pray in Mark 1:35.
1.Jesus let go of comfort to pray.
While it was dark and very early in the morning,Jesus went to pray. We often struggle to give up comfort because we always focus on our own circumstances rather than what God can do through what we go through .And imagine the day before was filled with work from healing the sick through driving out demons and the whole town had even gathered to be ministered yet His priority dictates His ministry.
2.Jesus let go of the crowd to pray.
It's not always good to be wanted by the crowd. Applause and commendation of being good is dangerous or using the crowd to maintain the status quo.Jesus got up and went to a solitary place to have commune with the Father.Could we give up something good for what is best? It's either we are crowd driven or God driven.
3.Jesus said let's go to other towns and villages after He prayed.
Prayer leads us to purpose greater than ours. Our Ministry is a result of prayer. Everything we do must be bound to reality that We can't do anything without His presence. Prayer enables us to think clearly and wisely. Jesus knew what was important because He spent time with the Father. Hours with God make minutes with men effective.
Remember our own efforts can be wasted if we haven’t heard from God. May we not be talented ministers only but ministers that had been ministered for ministry.
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