The Bible is a collection of 66 documents inspired by God. These documents are gathered into two testaments, the Old (39) and the New (27). Prophets, priests, kings, and leaders from the nation of Israel wrote the OT books in Hebrew (with two passages in Aramaic). The apostles and their associates wrote the NT books in Greek.

The OT record starts with the creation of the universe and closes about 400 years before the first coming of Jesus Christ.

The flow of history through the OT moves along the following lines:


•     Creation of the universe


•     Fall of man


•     Judgment flood over the earth


•     Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel)—fathers of the chosen nation


•     The history of Israel


•     Exile in Egypt—430 years


•     Exodus and wilderness wanderings—40 years


•     Conquest of Canaan—7 years


•     Era of Judges—350 years


•     United Kingdom—Saul, David, Solomon—110 years


•     Divided Kingdom—Judah/Israel—350 years


•     Exile in Babylon—70 years


•     Return and rebuilding the land—140 years


The details of this history are explained in the 39 books divided into 5 categories:


•     The Law—5 (Genesis—Deuteronomy)


•     History—12 (Joshua—Esther)


•     Wisdom—5 (Job—Song Of Solomon)


•     Major Prophets—5 (Isaiah—Daniel)


•     Minor Prophets—12 (Hosea—Malachi)


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