How Can we Lead our people to Worship the Lord?

  Worship leading isn’t just for those with exceptional musical talent and the
charisma to “work a room”. It’s all about being a pastor. The task of calling our people to
worship is pastoral in nature it is how you care, who you are reproducing ,loving the
church, having a discipleship strategy ,worshiping with your worship team ,having
patience with immature worshipers, loving Jesus, preparing your team for spontaneous
worship, bearing each other’s burdens, teaching people to worship through trials
,teaching people to worship through distraction ,being sensitive to what people need,
leading your team through change ,praying for your congregation.

    In other words, its all about preparing the people to know the Lord. There is a saying
that the deeper our people to know Christ the higher their experience in worship. Let me
share some of the things I personally do as a pastor as I effectively challenge people to
worship the Lord.

1.Teaching the word of God.

The bible itself is our guide to effectively worship the Lord. Its far beyond music and
talents and skill. So, it is crucial for a pastor to deliberately study the word and share it
to his people. Pastors, who preach about the spiritual discipline of worship and exhort
their people to sing and praise God in the congregation, are leading worship in a
powerful way.

2.Leading by Example.

    The Pastor understands his role as the Lead Worshipper and that is his life. The
pastor’s life must vividly be seen as a man worth following by living the very words he
preaches. People can learn from our life and as we live our life in the pursuit of worship
it transcends to the life of our people as they know God even more by our own example.

3. Building a team that work.

    Pastors lead worship when they invite the musicians into a shared ministry of worship
leadership.  Far from the mindset that says, “You pray, and I’ll pray, and we’ll see what
God does on Sunday,” this Pastor invites the music leader into his inner circle of
preaching strategy and prayer. And, this pastor does that because he understands his
responsibility to lead worship in his church.

4.Challenge our team for continuous growth in both heart and skill.

    As a pastor we also want to challenge our people to grow not only by the heart (inner
man) but as they develop, we train them to be skillful. The Lord wants a heart filled with
wonders and song but he also wants his people to worship him by the abilities he had
given us. The Lord is worthy of the best we can give and he deserve it alone! To God be the Glory!


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