Reflection on Church History

    Church history reveals some lessons that Christians today would be wise to
consider and reflect upon. The Christian Church has existed for 2,000 years, but it has changed and evolved significantly over that time. It is therefore important to look back and learn the lessons from the history of the Church that can help us chart a way forward today. The Church should always rely on the Holy Spirit As the Bible documents in the four Gospels, the early Christian Church began IN Jerusalem after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. The disciples were witnesses to these facts. But Jesus told them to wait for the Holy Spirit. Luke writes in the book of

    Acts of how the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost. As a result, they disciples were led by
the Holy Spirit and the Church grew rapidly as they spread the good news and lived
lives very different from the prevailing Roman and Jewish cultures. Throughout history,
the Church has grown significantly when there was either persecution or a spiritual
revival. Man can never build the Church on earth on his own apart from the Holy Spirit.
The Church began under the power of the Holy Spirit, grew under the power of the Holy
Spirit, and continues today only under the power of the Holy Spirit!
The Christian faith must be defended against false teaching.
In the first few centuries of the Christian faith, the biggest challenge was
defending this new belief against false gospels from Gnostics and others who tried to
add human logic to what God had done through Jesus. False teaching must be
challenged in order to preserve the true faith in Christ Jesus alone.
The Church must be Biblically founded.
The Christian faith must always be based upon the Bible and its teachings. Apart
from the word of God the church won’t grow. Our ability to thrive in our current epoch is
to rely and be guided by the word. Many ideologies had change; society systems had
change but the word of God will never change. It is our source of guidance, our hope
and our doctrine.
God will always be sovereign
As the world progressed in its knowledge of science and technology, liberalism
invaded universities (which were Bible based at the time) and the Church. Many
Christians began to try and reconcile modern thought with Biblical teaching and refused
to accept the authority of God’s Word alone on many issues. They believed that truth
must pass the test of human reason. Consequently, universities abandoned the Bible
and liberal theology in the Christian Church began to grow. Today it manifests itself in
prosperity theology, acceptance of homosexuality, and other false teachings that go
beyond or outside of Scripture. These are all an attempt to make God subject to our
intellect rather than adhere to His teaching as found in His Holy Word. And until
Christians learn to submit to God in obedience and rely solely on God’s Word as
ultimate truth, we will continue to see man attempt to make God what he wants Him to
be, and the Church will suffer as a consequence.


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