Overview: When Jesus ascended and the Spirit now given, the gospel began to spread,
just as Jesus promised. Acts describes the church’s birth and its rapid progress across
the known world.

1.Scripture: Summary of Acts 1-28
After the ascension m Jesus disciples returned to Jerusalem to pray and await the
promised Holy Spirit (1:1-26). Coming at the Pentecost (2:1-4), he transformed the
previously fearful followers and produced 3000 conversions that first day (2:41) and a
new way of living (2:42-47). Acts then records the church’s subsequent advice in
Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (1:8).
Jerusalem (Chapters 1-7)
The apostle’s ministry (3:1-26) brought not only the conversions but also persecution
(4:1-22, 5:17-42,6:8-7:60). However, nothing could stop them, though Ananias and
Sapphira’s deception almost destroyed the very thing the church becoming known for
and was ruthlessly dealt with (5:1-11). The persecution climaxed in Stephen’s
Judea and Samaria (Chapter 8)
The church got stuck in Jerusalem and Judea, enjoying success but failing to push out
further; so, God used the persecution to drive them out of there comfort zone (8:1).
Philip preached so successfully in Samaria (8:14-25). At last, the gospel had escaped
its Jewish confines. An African eunuch’s conversion was another step in the church
reaching out to everybody (8:26-40).
To the Ends of the Earth (9-28)
A huge turning point was Saul’s Conversion (9:1-18), leading to the gospel reaching
Damascus and Tarsus (9:20-31). Meanwhile Peter’s vision prepared him for the God
giving his Spirit to gentiles (10:1-11:18) Another breakthrough came when Saul now
Paul made Antioch his base, from which his missionary travels stretched ever deeper
into the Roman empire, with churches planted in Asia Minor, Greece, and even Rome


Author: Luke
Date: Scholars are divided over the exact time of writing some placing it around 70-
 Jew and Gentile
Jesus movement started within Judaism; Jesus’ heart had always been for the
gospel to spread to all nations.
 Spirit and Effort
The book of Acts underlines the importance of cooperation between Gods Spirit
and human effort. The church wasn’t able to launched until the Spirit came, but it
was only as Christians responded to Him that it grew. Believers took huge risk
and endure hardship to share the Gospel, but it was the Holy Spirit alone that
empowered them.
 Obstacle and Opportunity
Each time the church encountered an obstacle, it was turned into an opportunity.
So, the persecution in Jerusalem let into the spreading of the gospel.
 Peter and Paul
They are both foundational in the development of the church and to emphasize
the unity of the Jewish and Gentle missions.

3. Application

 The need of the Spirit
Luke shows how different people groups all received the Spirit, none were
excluded. Still today the church needs the Holy Spirit if it is to be as effective as
the church in acts.
 The need of Courage
The early Church is born out of the courage of the courage of the early believers.

They crossed oceans and mountains, faced beatings, stoning, imprisonments,
shipwreck and even death, driven on by there love for Jesus and passion to
share the gospel
 The need for Prayer
The early church starts with prayer It continues with prayer. Prayer characterized
the church meetings. It was their response to every situation. Let us not forget
the centrality of our prayer life as we continue to glorify God and make disciples.
 The need for Wisdom
It wasn’t always easy but God gave them wisdom to solve tension between
different religious background. In today’s multicultural world, the church need
wisdom to continue to minister well despite of the differences and still be the
 The need for Mission
God is still looking for churches that will be constantly ready to look beyond
 The need for Sharing
In the church today we can afford to support those who are in need, at home and
 The need for Strategy
The best missionary and evangelistic strategy are thought out rather than
random, we need to be strategic in our pursuit of sharing the gospel to the ends
of the earth.

4. Prayer
    Thank you Lord, for your grace that enable us to see, the things that you want us to do,
as we reflect on your word, may we be guided to continue what you had call your
church, like the church of the book of acts. May we rely on to the works of the Holy
Spirit, guided by Him and Empowered by Him to reach the lost and bring your Gospel to
the ends of the earth. May our life be established on prayer and continue in prayer that
wherever we go we may save some. Difficult times would come but we continue with
the courage you had given us and may you help us in all the things that we do, we
surrender our hearts, mind, and all that is within us that you may use us oh Lord. In this we pray in Jesus’ name. AMEN


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