Be part of a Community

 1. Quality friends over Quantity.

Be nice to everyone but limit whom you share your life with. There is a common saying, "Eagles fly with Eagles". Which is true, not everyone will help you achieve your dreams for some are even dream killers. Choose your friends wisely and it's okay to lose some too.

2.Yes to Accountability.
The best way to protect yourself is to be accountable. You don't need to pretend to be perfect. Acknowledge your flaws and be willing to be corrected. Be teachable and humble and you can do that when you subject yourself to trusted confidants. Be accountable to God. Be accountable to others and lastly be accountable to yourself.

3.Be a Joy Giver.
Always have a habit of blessing others.
Learn to celebrate other people's success because you have your own too. Be someone your friends could run to when things are rough. And in this society filled with negativity, choose to speak life.


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