What must be first!

 1. Love the Lord.

Life must be lived with purpose and for purpose .
God’s fundamental purpose for creating us was to love us; We are receivers of God’s love.

Without knowing God, it is impossible to love Him. We come to know God through His Son, Jesus Christ, whose death on the cross paid the penalty for our sin and opened the way for us to be restored to a right relationship with our heavenly Father.

Intimacy is impossible at a distance .In order to be fruitful and fulfill our purpose for being we must stay in vital, constant connection to Jesus.

Anyone we love we want to spend a lot of time with. We love God by spending time with Him, and by staying close to Him so that He can love us and teach us His ways in order that we can become like Him.

2. Be part of a ministry.

The idea is to be able to serve.
We are blessed in every way and life is meant to be shared! Ministry is not limited for Sunday's alone. It is finding opportunities to use our abilities, resources, and time to serve others. Visit an orphanage, pray for the sick or listen to the hurting. You are blessed to be a blessing!

3.Don't follow your heart, follow Jesus!

We follow when we obey. Without obedience, any professions of love and devotion we make are empty and meaningless. Don't get me wrong, our desires are not always bad, but when we learn to surrender it to Lord. It enables us to be accountable and teachable.

We have to align our hearts to the Lord , because his plans are always best, perfect and leading us to our purpose, our chief end: “to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.


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